Friday, November 5, 2021



Media studies has in the understanding of how big companies operates to sell their products and services. the thing i love the most about media studies is the understanding of how every person is targeted, why two minutes after doing a research about something on google, there are hundreds of ads coming in my instagram feeds, my stories etc… . they use these platforms ( google, instagram, tiktok, snapchat) to make a really close market segmentation analysis using demographics and psychographic analysis. which are then use to create smaller approachable group to understand what audience are looking for in the moment, what are their characteristics, what they usually are interested in to target them more efficiently and successfully.

We've been looking for a means to communicate and exchange information for decades. From books, the earliest form of media, to the internet, the way we interact and distribute information evolves in lockstep with society. Cave painting was used by early people to communicate with one another, warn of dangers, and even enjoy themselves. We utilized print media, tablets, books, newspapers, magazines, and other forms of media for decades after that. We now have access to not only print media, but also broadcast media (televisions, radios, and movies), as well as the internet. If we used print media to communicate and transfer information in previous centuries, we now mostly rely on the internet to keep informed and connected. Social media platforms are available on the internet. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok, for example, have billions of users. They evolve to accommodate various generations and to be utilized for a variety of reasons. People, for example, are more likely to use Facebook, but young adults and teens prefer Instagram and Tiktok. Twitter is a social media tool used mostly for political objectives. On Twitter in 2021, there were several heated disputes over the 2020 election, the Covid-19, and vaccinations.


On occasion, we even aid celebrities in their disagreements on Twitter. Websites like Google, on the other hand, are mostly utilized for instructional reasons. Since the epidemic, many schools have implemented online learning; as a result, billions of pupils have been claimed to utilize Google to finish their homework. I utilized social media and specific websites to entertain and educate myself. TikTok, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Google are some of my favorite apps. As a result, social media may be utilized for entertainment, politics, and keeping up with current events. Movies are another sort of media that is relevant. The audience for movies is enormous. Many individuals like watching movies. Today, movies are longer and sometimes share a story, a message, or even educate us about a historical event. There are different types of movies to adapt to different types of audiences. For example, females and people who love romanticism and drama will watch movies like pride and prejudice, while people who adore crime movies would watch Palmer and The Card Counter. Therefore, there are multiple streaming platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, Tubi, HBO max, etc.


I enjoy surfing the internet, watching Netflix movies, listening to music on Youtube, and reading books. I normally use my phone and computer to access various media formats. As a result, analyzing the media is crucial. Media studies are crucial and significant because they help us gain a better knowledge of what is going on in our environment, how we communicate and transfer information, and even how various production businesses target and attract audiences. To draw in an audience, the media employ a variety of techniques. Production businesses may learn how to enhance their films and adapt them to various individuals depending on gender, age, ethnicity, hobbies, and other factors by evaluating their consumers. I find Media Studies to be both entertaining and educational. I'll be making a two-minute film in my Media Studies class. In this film, I will ensure that I have a certain audience in mind, much like production corporations like Disney do. I will also focus my film on a specific genre.


To flourish in my blog, I will study various movies from various organizations to see how they assess their audiences, practice a lot, pay attention to the teacher's instructions, and participate actively in class to gain a deeper knowledge and a good score on my Cambridge test.


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