Thursday, November 11, 2021

Introduction To Semiotics


This week in class we learned about SEMIOTICS. Which is the study of signs in our culture such as the theories and analysis of signs, symbols, and significations (Vocabulary provided by my teacher Ms. Vincent); With the purpose of analyzing texts to identify the key concepts and the proper vocabulary auxiliary to our Foundations Portfolio Blogs and Component 2 Section A essay questions for Aice Media Studies. We furthermore avail oneself of our awareness and writing skills to build cool headedness with the course material.


We were provided with prompts and questions to help create Preliminary Exercises or Research blog posts. The provide prompts aforementioned are exhortations hence my compeer and I had the alternative to manufacture our posts on the propaedeutic autonomously.


Furthermore, we acquire a knowledge of 3 of the prime movers of structuralism, the name of whom are cited: Roland Gerard Barthes , Ferdinand de Saussure ,and Charles Peirce. We gained an understanding of their biography and theories about semiotics.


·         Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

·         Video, TV & Film Production Management Software | StudioBinder

·         MasterClass

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