Friday, November 12, 2021

Semiotics Preliminary Exercise 1

 Roland Barthes' Theory of Semiotics

Roland Barthes is French philosophe a literary theorist who probed the signification process and inquired the knowledge about the relationship between denotation and connotation. He specified that there is more than one way to read a code and that a text has multiple meanings.  He acknowledges that there was an undertaking process in communication and named it the order of signification. He also gives his own definition for Connotation and denotation. For Barthes, the meaning of connotation denotes something else called myth and Denotation refers to the common-sense, obvious meaning of the signifier.

For Barthes, the meaning of connotation denotes something else, called a myth

 Denotation refers to the common-sense, obvious meaning of the signii.

Here is a brief summary of the movie clip that we analyzed.

It's another world that they are living in, with different rules… There are doing a ceremony or a show rather and they are showing of designer garments. And each person waits for the host to call them to stage down, and they make a brief connotation of their dress or costume. The antagonist Jennifer Lawrence is one of the two persons that had to participate in the 74th edition of the hunger game tournament. She waited for the host to call her then she went stage down and talk to public with intention of getting more and more sponsors by making them hear what they want, things that will make the whole story interesting, to entertain them. After that it was his partner turns to go stage down but him, he mentioned a baby, which really spiced things up. And the public had a really emotional reaction and there was a lot of mixed emotion being expressed.


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