Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Genre Research and Analysis Film Case Study (3)

The final component of this assignment concentrates upon many symbolic codes featured in the film under consideration. The first portion of section 3 breaks down and discusses the various aspects of Mise-en-Scene individually.

Section 3: Symbolic codes in film.

Mise en scene

1.     Setting

2.     Set Design, and Props

3.     Acting

4.     Color

5.     Costume, hair, and makeup.

6.   Lighting (See Technical Codes.)

7.     Composition

a.  Setting

1.   Define setting in a film?

The setting of a movie refers to elements and conditions such as costumes, locations, props, time, place, acts, that contribute to the construction of the atmosphere of a particular movie scene.

2.   Why is it significant to film production?

Setting has a significant place in film production because it is one of the most crucial elements in a film that helps to determine the atmosphere or mood of a movie. Further, it helps to recognize the genre, analyze the characters and their role in the movie.

3.   What are the elements of the setting? 

The elements of setting are the time period, the location, the climate, the landscape, the culture, social and economic status.



Denote each element noticed in the film opening.

Indicate the signs and connotations that support the genre. How do the elements of setting in the film opening clip indicate or support the genre of the film?

• Time period


The film begins with the voice of the narrator that talks about valuable jewelries that queens of the ancient time had in their possession. He focuses particularly on describing 3 eggs made of gold that queen Cleopatraevents had. This shows that the first opening scene of the movie focuses on 69 and year 70 Before Christ.

The film opening displays portraits of queens from the 18th century and mural portraits and statues of queen Cleopatra and the eggs that were being offered to her. The fact that most of the portraits being displayed focused more on queen Cleopatra and her 3 eggs is already a foreshadowing that proves that some actions and/or event will occur because of the golden eggs. The display of the 18th century portraits symbolizes trafficking, trade, enlightenment ideas since this century was principally marked by a lot of revolutions, such as the industrial revolution that affected the commerce of the US and the world.

• Location


The second element that stands out in the film opening is the location. The narrator explains that 2 of the 3 golden eggs of Queen Cleopatra were held in a museum in a private and secure place. The first egg is held at -Museo Nazionale Di Castel Sant ’Angelo in Rome, while the second is held in a private collection. The movie opening scene shows how the movie scenes will more likely occur in Rome

In the location where the second egg is held, we see somebody with black gloves who holds a recipient with quicksilver, further we see one of the eggs held in a glass container surrounded by lasers. Further, the person with the black gloves is surrounded by a lot of complicated technologies. The black gloves symbolize somebody with bad intentions. The technological machines signify a bright future. Hence, the contrast between the black gloves, the technological machines, the egg, and the quicksilver, symbolizes the fact that somebody with extreme bad intentions is copying the golden egg held in the glass container to steal it and reit place by the false one.

• Climate / Season


Rome has a Mediterranean climate. 

The brightness of the sun symbolizes clearance, confidence, life, energy, and clarity.

• Landscape or Outdoors / City / Country / Sea / Land /  Desert.


City: Rome

Rome is a country that symbolizes power, authority, wealth.

• Culture / People (Moral attitudes/ core beliefs.)


The main culture: Friendship, wealth, chase of wealth, and the urge to become famous. 

This movie is multicultural. First it displays how important friendship is no matter the differences between the people. At the end, all three characters despise their differences in desire, and mental they became friends. The second culture shown is the chase of wealth and fame. The bishop’s main desire is to take the egg to bring it to the billionaire Egyptian who offers 300 000 000 million to whoever brings all three golden jewelry eggs. Booth is trapped in this huge ambition of becoming the first most popular and biggest thief in the world. And Finally, John wants to retake the respect that he earned when he was an FBI agent.

• Social and Economic status

The characters of the movie seem to be rich since they were clothes from popular and expensive brand clothes, further wherever they go, journalists and other agents of the media surround and take their picture and ask them a lot of questions.

A lot of luxury places and characters are shown in the movie. For instance, the main reason why Sarah and Booth wanted the egg, was to be able to gather all three eggs and bring them to the billionaire Egyptian who said that he would gift 30000000000 to whoever brought him the 3 eggs.


b.   Set Design

1.    Define set design in a film.





The set design is the element after the setting that gives information about the genre of a movie and information about the character. It is the physical surrounding where scenes and the actions of the characters occur. It includes the décor and the props.

 The décor indicates the place, location, ornaments, time, state of mind of the characters. The main purpose of the décor is to have a better understanding of the setting and understand the characters.

In movies, props indicate any abstract element that relates to a character. Props are crucial in movies because they complete the sense of setting and mood of the movie. They give additional information on the movie and characters. 

How do the set design elements define meaning from the characters, story and connect audiences to the film’s genre?

The set design gives information about the personality of a character, what he likes. For instance, if a character of a movie has a house that Is totally in pink, we can conclude that this character is a woman who Is extremely girly, fancy, fashionable, and likes unique things.

Indicate the signs and connotations that support the genre.

Add an image showcasing décor and describe the décor, such as the floor, walls, ceiling, or objects in the space.

Select a prop that is significant in the film opening. 







Document and describe the selected elements.

These images are from the same movie scene. The décor of the movie has more of a medieval style. The ceiling contains a huge Greek painting that displays multiple Greek characters. Portraits of the same style are on the wall. Furthe2 Greek statues ar,are placed on each side of the room. The floor is composed of ceramics that are made in roman style. The light, the color of the ceramics, the painting, and the statues, all combine to give to the room a décor elegant and sophisticated at the same time.

In this movie scene one significant prop that stands out is the ‘’ Contemporain’’ painting on the wall.

What connotations do you connote from the elements?

The ceiling, the painting contras,t and showcase wealthiness, power, and beauty.

The brow color of John’s coat: safety, dependability


c.    Acting

1.     What is acting in the film?

Acting is the abstract representation of a plot and/or story by a character.

2.     What are the elements of the acting? (Select (1) character and analyze their appearance.)

The elements of acting are appearance, facial expression, Vocal qualities, Personality, Role, Actions.




How do the acting elements define meaning from the character and support the film’s genre?

The diverse elements of acting give the audience information about the character, and help the audience do a better analysis and have a better understanding of the character’s role and his interactions with other characters.


Document the acting elements of the chosen character. 

Indicate the signs and connotations that support the genre.




Acting is the abstract representation of a plot and/or story by a character.


Red lipstick: feminity, confidence, attractiveness.


Facial expression facialThe processat 

Facial expression is defined as the movements of the face that display the character’s emotion.

See the source image




Body Language: Gestures, posture, and body contact



Process by which characters of a movie communicate through nonverbal actions through gestures, postures, body contact.

See the source image

Holding guns: Protection, threats, courage.

Exploding fire: Rebirth, resurrection, hope.


Vocal qualities: Tone of voice, accent, the pace of speech


Characteristic attributes of the voice of a character.

See the source image

Soft voice: Feminism, attractiveness, gentleness


Way of a character thinks, acts, behaves, and feels.

See the source image

Boss lady




Particular part/play displayed by a character.

See the source image

The bishop (Sarah Black)


The role of the character determines expected acts.

See the source image







3.     Based on your understanding of casting, do you think the actors selected to play the film's characters were good choices? List (2) actors and (2) reasons why? (Support your answers using the appearance, facial expressions, body language, voice quality.)


Name of actor 1 (Gal Gadot)

I believe that Gal Gadot was the perfect choice for this movie. She has played in a lot of movies that put women in the forefront. Further, she has a soft voice and is always wearing red lipstick. This implies that she is extremely feminist, attractive, and hugely confident. Which is a perfect description for the bishop.

Name of actor 2 (Dwayne Douglas Johnson)

Tthe his movie falls into action and comgenresenre. Hence Dwayne Johnson is the perfect match for the character that he plays. His imposing posture and physical appearance display a lot of virility which is a characteristic found in a lot of FBI agents and policemen.


d.   Costume, hair, and makeup.

1.      What is costume in a film?

Costume refers to the different types of clothes that the character or characters are wearing. It gives the audience information about the setting and theperiodd.

2.      What is hair and makeup in film?

The hair and makeup indicate the different hairstyles and makeup that the character is wearing.

3.      List 3 genre factors that influenced the costume design in the film.

-         Action

-         Romance

-         Comedy

4.      Give a general description of the costumes used in the film.  Select characters.


Document visual signs by observing the time periodracter’s station (social standing), sense of place, color, tone, style, etc.)

What does the costume indicate about the character, setting, and purpose of the story?

Hair  and makeup

See the source image

Red Lipstick

Hair down

White earrings

White pearl bracelet

Perfectly done nails.


- Feminist


- Unique

- Attractive



This indicates that Sarah is a woman who has a lot of confidence and sure knows that she is a boss lady that loves wealth. This also proves how a woman can show how smarter she is than a man. This might also address sexism and proves that woman can also be a boss.











See the source image




-         Expensive black car

-         Red leather coat

-         Red lipstick

-         Confidence

-         Passion

-         Power

-         Morality

-         Feminism

-         Authority

-         Seriousness.


5.      How does the costume(s) support the genre of the film?

The costume just like the other elements give information about the character, therefore by the characteristics of a character we can determine the genre of a movie. For instance, in a romantic movie, a woman will more likely wear extremely feminine clothes, high heels.

e.   Color

1.     What is the definition of color in the film?

Usually used in mise-en-scene, the color in film represents the psychological, emotional, and physical effects created by the visuals displayed in the movie.

2.     Indicate how color was used in the opening of the film. E.g., setting, lighting the scene and characters, costumes, etc. (Create a table to organize your information.)

*****The movie falls under the action-comedy genre*****



*      Setting

The setting Is the primary element that supports the genre of this movie.  

*      Llighting

In the film opening the main lighting type that was being showcased was low-key lighting. The low-key lighting emphasizes the genre of the movie because it is a foreshadowing to a lot of suspense, secrets, copying, following, stalking. Further, these themes are mostly found in action movies like Red Notice.

*      The set design (décor and props)

The set design, besides the setting and the lighting, is another element that mainly emphasizes the genre of the movie. For instance, one of the fighting scenes occurs in one of the museums where one of the eggs Is held. Generally, when action movies show luxury places such as a museum, a ball room, a hotel room, it is usually a foreshadowing indicating that something will disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the place. In one of the movie scenes, it occurs that FBI agent John, the bishop, and booth get in the same room. While John and Booth are here to capture and arrest Sarah, Sarah is here to take the egg. Before the fighting starts, the camera frames the different parts of the room and how everything was in order, however, once the characters start fighting, they break everything. The golden colors were also an important prop in the movie. Gold symbolizes power, wealth, wisdom, friendship, which are the main cultured of the movie.

*      Costume, makeup, andhair the

The costume, makeup, and hair also support the genre of the movie. John Hartley always wears sunglasses, leather coat, military pants, and boots indicating that he is an FBI agent. The bishop on the other hand, always wear red dresses and red lipstick, further, her air is always held in an elegant and attractive hairstyle. As Sarah likes to wear lipstick it indicates aggression (she likes to fight), Passion (there is love attraction between her and officer John Hartley,) and action (she does everything possible to get the egg and avoid getting caught by the police).  

*  characters whoand hairthe period facialThe setting period  Periodwhojewelr r

The characters in action movies usually have a lot of confidence, and always have the courage to take any risks. This is the case of the bishop, also known as Sarah Black, constantly defies John Hartley. She always challenges him.



3.     How does color support the film genre? (Look at the tone of the setting, characters, etc.)

The color of the movie shows the psychological characteristics of the characters. The coloshowsow that the character is always in a positive mood, always jovial, confident.


f.     Composition

a.     Define composition in film.

Composition in film represents the diverse ways the multiple elements of a movie (actions, acts, props, lighting, etc.) are being presented in a particular frame.

b.     Define blocking in film.

Blocking is defined as the actions and movements of a character, an object, or the camera in the sceof the movie.

c.      Select a scene from the film’s opening that showcases your understanding of the genre and document how the actors' positioning and movement create meaning.



Denotation and connotations

A picture containing text, display

Description automatically generated

Denotation: Low-key lighting, chair, laboratory light, shells.


Connotation: The character showed is preparing something highly important>>>> creates suspense, tension.













a.     Define framing in film.

Framing refers to the positioning of the cameras to capture or compose a shot for a specific act or character of a movie. Framing is usually used to show actions, emotions, the atmosphere being displayed in the movie.

b.     Define depth of field.

Also known as DOF, the depth of field refers to the quantity of an image that appears in the camera, meaning the interval between the nearest and farthest object from the camera. EX: Another planet or a mini water tower.


g.   Lighting

1.     What is the lighting in the film?

Lighting is the illumination of a scene or scenes from a movie to create a particular effect. Lighting in movies includes light, color, and shade used to emphasize the characteristics of a character, give information about them, or to showcase something significant that is being displayed in the movie scene.

2.     Define high-key lighting.

High-Key lighting is a type of lighting used to create a very bright and shadowless exposure in a movie scene. This type of lighting was mainly used during the 1930s and 1940s movies, but today it is commonly used in TV Commercials and music videos and action movies.

3.     Define low-key lighting.

Low-Key lighting is a type of lighting used to create a lot a lot of darkness and/or shadow in a movie scene. In this type of lighting, the light is usually focused on a single point and not on the elements of the entire scene. Low-key lighting is often used to show mystery, suspense, drama.

4.     Select an image from the film opening to analyze. What type of lighting is used? How is lighting used in the opening of the film, and what tone does it communicate meaning?



Denotation and connotations

A close up of a snake

Description automatically generated with low confidence

This type of lighting is known as low-key lighting.


Denotation: The rest of the roomincompletelete shadows, while the light focused on the details of the golden item (the snake symbol, the golden features, and the red stone being placed on top of it.


Connotation: The fact that in this it is visible that somebody or something Is placing a stone on the golden item, yet we do not know who or what because of the shadow and darkness showcases a lot of mystery. Because of the shadow the main tone of the scene is suspense. The shadow display in this movie scene symbolizes suspense, foreboding, secrets, mystery, and most importantly in the context of the movie opening, ***Copying****.













1.     What is the tone in the film?

The tone of a movie is the mood pr atmosphere of this movie. The main tone of Red Notice is heavy.

2.     What type of tone was created in the film, and what mise en scene elements were used to make it? (Color, lighting, camera angle, setting, etc.)

The main elements that helped to decode the tone of the movie were the setting and the diverse camera angles that kept track of the characters’ aactions mostly in the fighting scenes. Further, in one of the opening scenes, the setting displayed a character with black gloves with quicksilver. The character seemed to be in a technological laboratory preparing something.

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