Wednesday, March 23, 2022


In today's Media Studies lesson, each production company had to choose the genre, narrative, and characters for our film. In addition, as part of this class project, we had to describe the concepts and message that we wanted to convey in the film.

We also welcomed Tahirah, a new member of our production firm, on the same day. To begin, I recommended making a horror film about a demon and outrageous creatures. I proposed that we make a film about a school shooting. On the other hand, Gabriela suggested that we make a high school drama film.


After much deliberation, we decided to make a film that incorporated all three genres. As a result, we devised the following plot for the film:

-Two ladies who were best friends in elementary school had split up when they entered high school. We all agreed that one of the characters in the film would be killed, but we didn't know who it would be.

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