Saturday, March 5, 2022


 Planning in Film Activity II: Sound in Film Analysis


What is the purpose of sound in the film?


The Components of Sound

Define Dialogue

Dialogue is conversation being made in a book or film.

Define Sound Effects

This is sound that isn’t speaking or music, it’s used to create background noise.

Define Music

Music is a tone, when it’s used in film, it helps set the mood/tone.

Define diegetic sounds

This is a sound that comes from the film on-screen or off-screen; the sound comes originally from the film scene in which film characters and audience can hear.

List the diegetic sounds in the movie and give two or more examples.

Dialogue, like when the narrator is speaking.

Riding bike, you can hear the ring on the bike and tires moving.

Define non-diegetic sounds

This is a sound that only the audience can hear, the characters in the film world can’t hear.

List the non-diegetic sounds in the movie and give two or more examples.

Music, the beginning of the film plays a melodic sound up until Jonas reaches his destination.

Voice over, Jonas is speaking and telling the audience how he lives and perceives things.

Sound Techniques

Define Synchronous Sound

Synchronous sound, or sync sound, is audio that lines up precisely with what’s happening on screen.

List 3 examples of synchronous sound

Character dialog, a shot of a river with rushing water sounds, and punching sounds during a fight scene are all examples of synchronous sound.

Define Asynchronous


Asynchronous sound is audio that doesn’t match up with visuals.

List 3 examples of asynchronous sound

Imagine a character as they walk alone down a dark hallway, and you can hear their footsteps as dogs bark — but you can't see any dogs, so the sound is asynchronous.


Define parallel sound

Parallel sound matches the mood or tone of the sequence. Directors often use exaggerated sounds to heighten emotion or meaning in a scene. Using sound in this way can suggest an incoming threat before the audience sees it. It can be used to reinforce a character's threatening nature when they are present on screen.

Define contrapuntal sound

It is essentially the opposite of what one might expect to see/hear in a film. Where we generally connect sound to the visuals that we see on the screen. Because the music is working parallel to what we are seeing, the opposite is true of counterpoint.

Describe the soundscape in the film's opening and use examples. Is the sound parallel or contrapuntal? Use the Sound in Film Lesson pdf to see essential vocabulary.

The kids laughing in the film opening is an example of a soundscape. It is a parallel sound because you can see the kids playing but don’t see their mouths moving.

How does sound establish the opening image, the theme stated, set-up, and the catalyst?

Ask questions such as: Is the sound melodic, discordant, or crescendo? How is the rhythm illustrating the pace of the film? (fast, slow, irregular)

The sound in the film has a happy tone in it. It fits the film because everything about the setting is perfect and there is nothing bad or ugly in the setting. All of the diegetic and non-diegetic goes along with the film. The pace of the music is flowy, pretty regular and non of the background noises are too harsh.




Are the sounds best suited for the film?

Yes/No and why?

Yes because its supposed to be a utopia world and all the sounds have no bad or evil meaning behind it.




List 2 or more dialogue lines that support the world/setting of the film.


“we started a new society, one with equality, rules”

“We lived in a world where differences weren't allowed”

This shows that the tone of the setting is strict and everyone must be equal and abide by the rules.

List 3 or more dialogue lines that support the characters of the film.


“i saw things that other people didn’t"-Jonas

“Asher was the one who made everyone laugh”-Jonas

“Fiona was the one that made everyone smile”-Jonas

This shows that he is different.

This shows that the main characters friend is a joker.


This shows that the main characters friend is kind.

List 1 or more dialogue lines that support the theme-stated beat.


“I saw things that other people didn’t"

This shows that the character that sees things differently than others is going to stand out and create the plot.

Sound Editing in film

Define L Cut

An L-cut is when the audio from the preceding scene continues to play over the footage from the following scene.

When Jonas’ friends are introduced, the camera shot is on Jonas’ face and you hear a ring from a bicycle and in the next shot his friends are displayed.

Define J Cut

A J-cut is just the reverse of an L-cut. The audio from the following scene plays over video from the preceding footage.

In the shot where the children are playing, you can hear the children laughing in that moment of the shot. Once the shot changed, the sound stopped.


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